Authentic Step Coaching


Foot Prings in the Sand

About Me

I am a professional Life Coach who specializes in personal growth, relationship and career coaching, and I maintain a private practice in Seattle while coaching people all over the U.S. I began my helping career as a psychotherapist, training over 20 years ago and then setting up and maintaining a private practice since that time.

Later I studied Life Coaching and have integrated this into my range of tools to help people change their lives for the better. Working with a broad spectrum of individual clients, partners, and families, I also facilitate groups and classes when time permits.

I was moved to learn how to help others after undergoing a personal, major life transition. Previously I worked in the business and teaching professions. My Life Coaching practice has always been informed by the years of experience I have as a therapist, helping people move their lives forward, by cultivating authentic, meaningful goals, problem solving and addressing challenges, removing blocks to success and satisfaction, and of course, helping you enhance your motivation. 

As your Life Coach, I work collaboratively, providing support and practical feedback to help clients address personal life challenges. Your coaching experience with me will be a highly personalized program, tailored specifically for you.  At times, this may include helpful assignments that will move you forward and keep you on track between appointments. With compassion and understanding, I work with you to help you build on your strengths and attain the personal growth you are yearning for.

All of my life experience, being a therapist, a Mom, moving geographically, living in different cities across the country (East Coast, Midwest and California) and my work with many wonderful clients, helps inform my work today as your Life Coach.  Contact me whenever you're ready to begin to change your life.  You've alread taken that first authentic step, by seeking help and reading through this website.  I look forward to working with you and partnering with you to help you change your life.

Education: Pacifica Graduate Institute, California Institute of Integral Studies (M.A. Counseling Psychology), Grow Training (Coaching)